ICMA, the International City/County Management Association, advances professional local government worldwide. The organization’s mission is to create excellence in local governance by developing and fostering professional management to build sustainable communities that improve people’s lives.
ICMA’s Procurement Approval Process requires the organization to advertise on its website any Requests for Proposals (RFPs) or bid solicitations in excess of $25,000, and a list of those requests follows below.
Proposal submissions require completion of a Procurement Vendor Application and ICMA Vendor/Supplier Form.
Open RFPs
Request for Proposal No. ICMAHO/2027 National Brownfields Training Conference
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is seeking proposals from eligible respondents for professional services in support of ICMA in Washington, D.C. ICMA anticipates awarding one (1) single award as a result of this Solicitation. ICMA reserves the right to offer fewer awards than anticipated above.
Closing Date: April 11, 2025
Download Projected Programming Placement
Closed RFPs
Request for Information No. DOS/YSEALI Lodging/2025
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) seeks proposals from eligible Respondents for professional services for ICMA for short term lodging across the United States. ICMA anticipates awarding one (1) single award as a result of this solicitation. ICMA reserves the right to award more or fewer awards than anticipated above.
Closing Date: February 3, 2025
Request for Proposal No. ICMAHO/Brownfields Conference Decorator Management/2025-2029
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is seeking proposals from eligible Respondents for Decorator Management, Furnishings and Equipment Services for the 2025-2029 National Brownfields Training Conferences. ICMA anticipates awarding one (1) single award a result of this Solicitation. ICMA reserves the right to award more or fewer awards than anticipated above.
Closing Date: February 14, 2025
Request for Proposal for ICMA Retirement Plan Advisor
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) has issued this Request for Proposals (RFP) with the intent to select and hire a qualified retirement plan advisor to act as a co-fiduciary in support of ICMA’s Retirement Plan Committee (the Committee).
Closing Date: Date has been extended to January 24, 2025
Request for Proposal for ICMA - Full-Service Managed Web hosting / Website Chatbot
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) has initiated an RFP process to identify a qualified vendor to host a full-service fully managed Web site and Website Chatbot.
Closing Date: January 20, 2025
Request for Proposal No. ICMAHO/2030 ICMA Annual Conference
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is seeking proposals from eligible respondents for professional services in support of ICMA in Washington, D.C.
Closing Date: December 2, 2024
Request for Proposal No. ICMAHO/2031 ICMA Annual Conference
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is seeking proposals from eligible respondents for professional services in support of ICMA in Washington, D.C.
Closing Date: December 2, 2024
Request for Proposal No. ICMAHO/Brownfields Conference Registration Services/2025-2029
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) seeks proposals from eligible Respondents for services for ICMA.
Closing Date: November 8, 2024
Request for Proposal No. ICMA/DMC Services for 2025 ICMA Annual Conference
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is seeking proposals from eligible Respondents for DMC Services for the 2025 ICMA Annual Conference Tampa, FL – October 25 – 29, 2025.
Closing Date: October 30, 2024
Request for Proposal No. ICMAHO/Sponsorship and Exhibit Hall/2025-2029
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is seeking proposals from eligible respondents for services for ICMA.
Closing Date: October 14, 2024
Request for Proposal - Revamp and Expansion of Salesforce Platform for Community Designation Programs
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) working jointly seek proposals from eligible Respondents for professional services.
Closing Date: October 9, 2024
Request for Proposal for 2024-2025 ICMA Strategic Planning Process Facilitation
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) has initiated a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to identify a qualified consultant to guide and execute a board and staff-driven visioning process, informed by a robust membership engagement strategy. The consultant will develop a strategic plan and implementation strategy that will provide direction for the organization as it moves into its next phase of growth and effectiveness in meeting its mission and the needs of its members.
Closing Date: September 27, 2024
- Read the Q&As
- You identify the closing date as Friday, September 27, 2024. Until what time of day on this date will you accept proposal responses? Is it 5:00 PM EST? Please clarify.
- Responses will be accepted until 11:59 pm ET.
- How do you want to handle project and travel expenses? Is it ok to put a line item in our proposal that states expenses billed at cost? Or do you prefer a different method?
- ICMA anticipates that the chosen consultant will be asked to attend two in-person quarterly meetings for the project kick-off and strategic planning retreat. These anticipated costs should be included as line items in your proposal. It is acceptable to include an additional line item stating that any additional travel expenses will be billed at cost, subject to prior approval by ICMA.
- In the proposal you identity ICMA member and ICMA stakeholder engagement as part of the planning process. Does ICMA have an internal engagement platform it uses to solicit input and feedback on projects, such as Bang the Table! or Social Pinpoint or other?
- ICMA uses Qualtrics as its survey instrument. We are open to using other platforms. If use of these platforms is suggested, the cost of these platforms should be included in your proposal.
- Will the ICMA Executive Board & Leadership Team serve as the “Task Force” charged with leading development of the Strategic plan, or will there be a process to select a group that represents interests across the organization? Please clarify.
- The Executive Board, Leadership Team, and an internal staff project team will work with the consultant on developing the strategic plan. ICMA’s membership and partners will be engaged to provide input through virtual or in-person focus groups, interviews, surveys, and/or other methods (as suggested by the consultant).
- The RFP references a "robust member engagement strategy." As it relates to this work, is this a strategy that has already been developed, or one that will be developed and informed by the broader strategic plan and related research?
- We expect that the chosen consultant will assist ICMA in the development of a member engagement strategy that solicits input from important stakeholders, which ICMA will help identify.
- Are you imagining that members will have an important role in implementation of the strategic plan, as was the case with Envision ICMA?
- The ICMA Executive Board and staff will be responsible for implementation of the strategic plan. The ICMA membership will be engaged, through ICMA’s member committees and task forces, to assist in achieving the goals set forth in the implementation plan.
- Regarding section 1(company profile): Must the two-page limit include responses to items 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6?
- Yes. As noted in the RFP, Resumes and CV’s do not count to this page limit.
- Is there a font size or margin restriction that ICMA would like responders to adhere to?
- ICMA prefers a font size of 10 pt or larger. There are no restrictions on margins.
- Is it allowable to embed links of previous plans within in the proposal instead of the actual plans given the data size?
- Yes
- Should we assume that that all stakeholder engagement will be conducted in English, even though the membership is international? (If engagement is to be conducted in multiple languages, we will need to account for this in the methodology and budget.)
- While ICMA’s membership and community reach is global, our current language of business is English.
- Given your extensive and far-reaching membership, there is a wide range of stakeholder engagement that could be undertaken to ensure robust and representative participation. Can ICMA share the budget or budget range that has been allocated for this planning effort?
- ICMA expects bidders to provide competitively priced bids that enable the bidder to provide quality work that is responsive to the Scope of Work. Please note that Pricing represents 25% of the evaluation scoring.
- Please clarify that you are requesting us to facilitate and develop a strategic plan using our proposed process (incorporating, of course, your requested in-person meetings) OR are you requesting us to facilitate your established process to create the plan?
- ICMA is requesting that proposals outline the proposed process that the consultant recommends, incorporating our requested in-person meetings.
- Our company has proven experience with government, nonprofits, and membership organizations. We do not have experience with global nonprofits. Will you consider expertise and experience that does not include global organizations?
- Yes.
- I read that your current strategic plan was facilitated by the ICMA Director of Leadership Development. Did you utilize an outside consultant for that process?
- No, we did not engage an outside consultant in the development of the Envision ICMA strategic plan.
- Numbers (even if appx) are helpful: ICMA has 13,000 members and a 21-member Executive Board. How many ICMA staff is there? How many ICMA domestic and international partner organizations are there? How many are on your Leadership Team?
- ICMA has approximately 90 staff members, of whom 12 are Leadership Team members. We currently have relationships with 37 international and 52 domestic partner organizations.
- In addition to the December 13-14, 2024 and the February 21-22, 2025 Executive Board meetings, are there any other in person meetings we should consider for this engagement?
- As stated in an answer above, ICMA anticipates that the chosen consultant will be asked to attend two in-person quarterly meetings for the project kick-off and strategic planning retreat. These anticipated costs should be included as line items in your proposal. It is acceptable to include an additional line item stating that any additional travel expenses will be billed at cost, subject to prior approval by ICMA. Additional in-person events could be included as part of the member/partnership engagement process.
- Considering ICMA’s international ambition, are there any priority countries we should consider for the strategy facilitation process?
- While we will identify priority countries and regions to target for our programs and services, we want to be able to reach out to local government leaders and their staff in the hundreds of thousands of local governments around the world to enable them to be part of our network and gain the knowledge and tools that they need to provide the best services possible for their residents.
- Considering ICMA’s domestic focus, are there any priority states or municipalities within the US we should consider for the strategy facilitation process?
- No. We plan to engage all of our state association partners equally in this process.
- With reference to the new association governance structure, are there anticipated changes to how the board of directors will be engaged in contrast with the prior strategic plan?
- A member task force led the development of the strategic plan, which was presented to the Board for final approval. Our RFP proposes a change to the engagement of the Executive Board in the upcoming process, with the Board and staff leading the development of the plan, informed by a robust member and stakeholder engagement effort.
- With reference to a reduction in membership fees implemented in 2022, is there anticipated changes in the next 3-5 years?
- No, the new dues structure has been fully implemented and no additional changes are contemplated at this time.
- Based on ICMA’s adopting of a global operating model (2023), and considering it already has a presence in Mexico-Latin America (Guadalajara office) and in Europe (Bratislava), is the organization considering expanding its presence to other priority geographies?
- Yes, ICMA has already been involved in over 70 countries around the world through relationships with local government organizations and our grants and contracts programs. Our Global Engagement strategy will allow us to expand our network around the world to local government leaders and staff.
- Does the landscape analysis of competitors and collaborators from the past three years remain consistent or is there an anticipation of a revised analysis needed?
- We do not anticipate a need for a revised analysis of competitors and collaborators.
- Is there an anticipated shift in the next 3-5 years for services and products targeted for the domestic market versus international market?
- We continuously evaluate our programs, products and services for relevancy and value to our members and local government professionals. In an increasingly interconnected world where the challenges local governments face transcend boundaries, we will be providing a global perspective to those programs, products and services which we believe will add value to our members and local government stakeholders.
- You identify the closing date as Friday, September 27, 2024. Until what time of day on this date will you accept proposal responses? Is it 5:00 PM EST? Please clarify.
Request for Proposal No. ICMAHO/ICMA Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director Recruitment/2024
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) seeks proposals from eligible Respondents for professional executive search services to fill its most senior-level internal position—that of Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director (CEO/ED).
Closing Date: Aug 6, 2024
Thank you for your interest in responding to Proposal No. ICMAHO/ICMA Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director Recruitment/2024. The following questions have been submitted regarding the RFP. All responses provided are applicable to all parties interested in responding to the RFP.
- Our standard professional fee is a percentage of the final agreed-upon annual compensation for the person placed, but we are not opposed to doing a fixed fee contract. Could you please share the salary range for this role?
The ICMA Executive Board will pay competitively based on the market value for CEOs of Association-based organizations with comparable missions, organizational structures, and operating budgets.
- Can ICMA please describe the opportunity for input of members and stakeholders that has been created at the annual conference in Pittsburgh? i.e. Is there a designated booth in the exhibit hall, special session, etc?
The ICMA Executive Board will work with the selected executive search firm and the conference planning team to identify the appropriate structure and venue for obtaining stakeholder input at the annual conference in Pittsburgh.
- In addition to the Board Meetings referenced in the RFP and other scheduled Board meetings, is the Board and/or Search Committee able to conduct in person interviews at other dates and times as warranted by the timeline?
Yes, the ICMA Executive Board is open to identifying other dates for conducting in-person interviews for selected candidates. The selected firm should be mindful of the dynamics of coordinating a meeting of a 21-member Board.
- Is there a budget allocated for the Executive Search Services? (we might skip this one as rarely do we get a response).
Yes, the ICMA Executive Board has established dedicated funding to cover expenses associated with this executive level search.
- Does the RFP anticipate or desire any on-boarding assistance of the new Director, once selected?
The ICMA Executive Board anticipates that the selected executive search firm will work collaboratively with the Board Executive Search Committee and the ICMA Chief People Officer to ensure a smoot onboarding of the new CEO/ED.
- Regarding RFP: ICMAHO/ICMA Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director Recruitment/2024, can you confirm if we will need to include anything regarding the ICMA Vendor/Supplier Form and ICMA Vendor Application in the proposal package? Or will submission of the online forms at the provided links (ICMA Vendor/Supplier Form, ICMA Vendor Application) be sufficient?
Completion of the forms links provided in the Request for Proposal will be sufficient.
- Regarding Section 2: 1A, specifically, what examples of relevant work is ICMA looking for? (Would this be a description of services provided to other clients)?
- Can ICMA disclose the anticipated annual compensation range of the incoming CEO/ED at this time? If so, what is the anticipated annual compensation range?
The ICMA Executive Board will pay competitively based on the market value for CEOs of Association-based organizations with comparable missions, organizational structures, and operating budgets.
- Will the RFP include a listening tour that will encompass feedback to be used in the next Strategic Plan update as well as the search? Is the listening process limited to focusing on the search itself?
The RFP for the CEO/Executive Director Search will focus on obtaining input from stakeholders on the creation of a position description and candidate profile for the position.
ICMA Publication Printing RFP
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) seeks proposals from eligible Respondents for publication printing services for ICMA in Washington, D.C. ICMA anticipates awarding one (1) award as a result of this solicitation.
Closing Date: July 25, 2024 6:00 PM, EST
Request for Proposal No. ICMAHO/ICMA Internal Operating Design Model/2024
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is looking for eligible Respondents to submit proposals to review the organization’s current state and its aspirations. The goal is to advise on appropriate internal operating models and work with key stakeholder groups within ICMA to design an operating model that supports the organization’s goals, strategy, and mission. ICMA expects to award a single award as a result of this solicitation.
Request for Proposal No. ICMAHO/I48 Employer of Record (EOR) /2024
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) seeks proposals from eligible Respondents for Employer of Record (EOR) and local payroll processing for ICMA’s locally hired staff in the Dominican Republic.
Closing Date: July 22, 2024, 5:00 PM EST
Request for Proposal No. ICMAHO/DMC Services for 2024 ICMA Annual Conference
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is seeking proposals from eligible Respondents for DMC Services for the 2024 ICMA Annual Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. ICMA anticipates awarding one (1) single award as a result of this Solicitation. ICMA reserves the right to award more or fewer awards than anticipated above.
Request for Proposal: ICMA Voluntary Credentialing Program – New Global Certification Programs
This Request for Proposal seeks a qualified and experienced consultant organization to assist us with continuing ICMA's mission, which is envisioned to be accomplished in three phases, as summarized within the RFP below.
Request for Quotation No. ICMAHO/ICMA LGE Awards Contractor/2024
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) seeks quotes from eligible Offerors for professional services for ICMA in Washington, D.C, to be completed remotely. ICMA anticipates awarding one (1) single award a result of this solicitation. ICMA reserves the right to award more or fewer awards than anticipated above.