ICMA represents its members, professional local government managers, by advocating for policies and practices that strengthen local governance and improve the quality of life for all residents. Our federal policy priorities focus on principles of effective management, service delivery, and community resilience, emphasizing nonpartisan, data-driven, and ethical approaches. We seek to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing to enhance the capacity of local governments to address complex challenges.

Local governments are actively working to address the needs of their residents and their communities, while navigating fiscal challenges and facing constraints in their ability to generate new revenue due to state laws, economic conditions, and community resistance.

A strong partnership with the federal government, one that includes consultation and addresses the financial impact on state and local governments, is essential for effective governance. Federal mandates, preemptions, and interventions can hinder the ability of local governments to effectively serve our constituents and often force difficult choices, requiring cuts to essential local services to comply with federal requirements. Effective federal policy development requires a collaborative approach, recognizing that local leaders are essential partners in understanding community priorities and ensuring that federal resources are deployed efficiently.


ICMA participates in coalitions with state and local government organizations to support policy initiatives and takes positions on public policy issues. ICMA also signs onto amicus briefs prepared by the Local Government Legal Center that support important federalism principles.  As the leading association for appointed professional local government managers, ICMA leverages its members' on-the-ground expertise to inform federal policy discussions. ICMA members provide advice and expertise on policies to inform decision makers. They serve on a variety of governmental and nongovernmental boards, panels, commissions, and committees. ICMA's Governmental Affairs and Policy Committee (GAPC) serves as a sounding board, reviewing current and proposed federal, and in some cases state, legislative, and judicial action for impacts on local governments.




