Pricing Basics

  • All posts run for 60 days, unless otherwise specified by an application deadline within 60 days of posting.
  • All posts are automatically included in the ICMA membership newsletter, Leadership Matters.
  • If there is an ICMA member at your organization, the member rate will be applied to your purchase.
  • Category 1 posts can be renewed at no charge (for the same current recruitment).
  • Major credit cards and purchase order (local governments only) payments are accepted.
Member Pricing

Non-member Pricing
*Job posts are renewable at no additional charge. Category also includes executive director positions.

Add-on Optional Products



Extend the reach of your job listings. Target your ads with these optional products.


Featured Jobs: Your job will be promoted on the top of the Job Center homepage, with a red banner in the job listing and promoted through ICMA social media channels.

Cal-ICMA: Target California and the West Coast on the Cal-ICMA website:

MCCMA: Target Maryland on the Maryland City County Management Association website:

NACA: Target Counties on the National Association of County Administrators website:

NYSCMA: Target New York on the New York State City Management Association website:

NCMA: Target Nebraska City/County Management Association website:

NVCMA: Target Nevada City/County Management Association website:

VLGMF: Target Veterans on the Veterans Local Government Management website:

VLGMA: Target Virginia on the Virginia Local Government Management Association website:

I-NAPA: Target the International Network of Asian Public Administrators website:

WLG: Target the Women Leading Government website:

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