Message from the Executive Director

Actions ICMA is taking on racial equity and social justice.



ICMA has made a focused commitment to Race, Equity, and Social Justice in all forms, as a means to achieving thriving communities. ICMA works to achieve equity and social justice, to affirm human dignity, and to improve the quality of life for the individual and the community.


Creating better communities around the world begins with a commitment to social justice and equity. ICMA strives to ensure that our members and the overall profession reflect the diversity of the people we serve. We work to mitigate the effects of bias in all areas of local government by developing and promoting programs and initiatives in the areas of service delivery, hiring practices, leadership development, community engagement, and workplace culture. ICMA works to drive engagement and support of members, local governments, and partnering organizations on issues related to equity, systemic racism, and social justice.


ICMA is the race, equity, and social justice thought leader in local government. Our members and their communities have these values and principles ingrained in their culture and practices.

Partners and Affiliates


Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE)


Living Cities

Local Government Hispanic Network (LGHN)

National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA)

NLC Race Equity and Leadership (REAL)


Women Leading Government (WLG)

Contact Us

Have questions, comments and/or content to share? Contact us at

ICMA Executive Board Statement Regarding Systemic Racism

At its June 2020 meeting, the ICMA Executive Board approved a statement on systemic racism along with initial action steps.

Declaration of Ideals

ICMA was founded with a commitment to the preservation of the values and integrity of representative local government and local democracy and a dedication to the promotion of efficient and effective management of public services. To fulfill the spirit of this commitment, ICMA works to maintain and enhance public trust and confidence in local government, to achieve equity and social justice, to affirm human dignity, and to improve the quality of life for the individual and the community. Read more.

Moral and Ethical Leadership

ICMA Code of Ethics: The principles outlined in the ICMA Code of Ethics and enforced by the Rules of Procedure govern the conduct of every member of ICMA.

It is the exercise of ethical leadership practiced by those engaged in the moral struggle that made the difference.

The Seven Leadership Qualities for Times of Civic Disruption

Leaders at all levels can instill trust in our democratic systems.

Strengthening Your Moral Compass to Overcome Ethical Roadblocks

Integrating shared values between your personal and professional life builds integrity. [PM magazine, March 2020]

The Importance of Ethical Leadership and Moral Courage in Public Management

It is the exercise of ethical leadership practiced by those engaged in the moral struggle that made the difference between success or failure. [PM magazine, March 2020]

Equity and Social Justice

Ideals for the profession. [PM magazine, August 2020]

PM Magazine

Ideals for the profession [PM Magazine, August 2020]

The 2020 Local Government Excellence Awards Issue

Black Leadership in Local Government

Image of Sept 2021 PM cover

Equity and Inclusion

Cover of Feb 2022 PM

Elevating Your Equity Work

Cover of Sept 2022 magazine

Inspiring Leaders and Communities:
The ICMA Local Government Excellence Awards 2022

ICMA Equity Summits

Advancing racial equity in local government: ICMA Equity Summits will be a virtual gathering of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officers (and those doing the work without the title) as well as local government professionals interested in ideas and institutions to deepen strategies, shape actions, and create solutions. Throughout two days and two tracks, this event will create and foster relationships with like-minded professionals, as well as cover best practices, ideas and innovations in the DEIB space and local government management profession.
Equity Summit 2022

Past Equity Summit: 2nd Annual Equity Summit 2022

Banner with text Weaving Equity into the Fabric of Local Government

Embedding Equity into Daily Operations and Planning for the Future


ICMA Courageous Conversation Series

ARPA - AdobeStock_420782611

Join us for this 90 minute webinar about how to put the American Rescue Plan Act resources to the best use possible in your communities.

How two local governments support small, minority, and women-owned businesses

Equity Summit

Join us at ICMA’s inaugural Equity Summit, Moving the Needle, a virtual learning event focused on advancing racial equity in local government. 

ICMA Leadership Institute on Race, Equity, and Inclusion

Kettering Foundation and the National Civic League

Open to ICMA members only, the application period is open for the next session and will close on June 30.

Application Image Revised - ICMA-Kettering-NCL

ICMA / Kettering Foundation / National Civic League


Diversity Inclusion Equity

If you are committed to addressing issues of race, equity, and social justice in your local government, ICMA invites you to apply to the ICMA Equity Officer Institute.

Part of the Ask an ICMA Manager series.

With ICMA Equity Cohort member, Phillip Smith-Hanes, county administrator Saline County...

With ICMA Equity Cohort member, Kweli Rashied-Henry, racial equity officer, Durham County


Resources from our partners, affiliates and other organizations, that describe approaches that have impact and provide the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others.

Glossary of Terms

Materials from our partners, along with reports and surveys that describe approaches that have impact and provide the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others.

A Four-Step Reference Guide to Recruiting, Hiring, and Retaining Employees with Disabilities

A variety of tools and resources from PolicyLink.

A variety of resources from Living Cities.

Resources from our partners, affiliates and other organizations, that describe approaches that have impact and provide the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others.

America's most detailed report card on racial and economic equity. We equip movement...

City of San Antonio Office of Equity

Leadership for a New Era Series

A variety of tools and resources from the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE)

Equity and Inclusion in the Profession

ICMA International Affiliates are tackling issues of equity and inclusion in cities across...

An overview of women members of ICMA.

Civid Pride partnership

Advancing equity and LGBTQIA+ participation in local government.

ICMA strives to ensure that our members and the overall profession reflects the diversity...

New Award Category Enhances the ICMA Local Government Excellence Awards Program

Blog Posts

More local governments are developing comprehensive plans for community service.

Learn about an ICMA global award recipient's time in Belgium and the Netherlands where she learned about arts and culture programming, climate initiatives, and housing subsidies.

ICMA and APA present a webinar series on how local government policies and actions affect large-scale solar development outcomes.

By being mindful of the risks and implementing safeguards, organizations can benefit from AI while protecting sensitive information.

Make an impact today by hosting a young professional from Southeast Asia with a background in sustainability and the environment.

Broaden your local government management perspective and share best practices with colleagues from around the world.

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While never an easy task, use these considerations to go about it the right way.

A former ICMA regional vice president’s perspective on the Code of Ethics as we celebrate Ethics Awareness Month

Lessons learned from the deputy city manager’s chair

The highly successful participation experiences of Kenyan citizens in their local budget process serve as best practices for other jurisdictions worldwide.

A former local government manager and consultant, she sees building bridges and supporting members as her top priorities.

As Northern Virginia advances clean energy goals, global exchanges bring new ideas for workforce development.

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