Code of Ethics: Tenets, History, and Enforcement

The principles outlined in the ICMA Code of Ethics and enforced by the Rules of Procedure govern the conduct of every member of ICMA.

ICMA’s efforts to review the Code of Ethics with the membership

The ICMA Rules of Procedure, adopted by the ICMA Executive Board, govern the process for enforcing the ICMA Code of Ethics as adopted by the ICMA membership.

Code of Ethics Turns 100

For 100 years, the ICMA Code of Ethics has been the foundation of the profession, guiding...

Ethics Education

An overview of ICMA’s training and technical assistance opportunities.

Online ethics training for local government staff.

Ethics Matter!

ICMA’s e-book provides sound ethics advice based on real-life local government scenarios.

Member Support: Issues and Advice

ICMA promotes the highest standards of ethical conduct in the local government management profession by providing advice, education, and training to members.

Answers to common ethics questions and how to seek advice on ethical issues

Refrain from all political activities that undermine public confidence in professional administrators.

Navigating ethical communication

When your personal interests or loyalties compete with your professional obligations

A member is responsible for carefully and thoroughly investigating a position and community before accepting an offer of employment.

Top PM Magazine "Ethics Matter!" Articles

End Corruption in Local Government [PM Magazine, November 2019]

How best to give voice to your values

Image of caution road sign

The best approach to achieving an ethical outcome

To earn confidence and trust, you must exemplify integrity

How to Minimize Their Impact