ICMA: Leaders at the Core of Better Communities
Each time we turn on the tap in our kitchens, set the trash out for pickup the next day, or cruise through our neighborhoods on newly paved roads, we access our local governments. Providing essential community services that ensure the quality of our lives is what local government is all about.
Founded in 1914, ICMA, the International City/County Management Association, advances professional local government through leadership, management, innovation, and ethics. Our vision is to be the leading professional association dedicated to creating and supporting thriving communities throughout the world.
ICMA's members are the professional city, town, and county managers who are appointed by elected officials to oversee the day-to-day operation of our communities. The association promotes and embraces diversity among its members, including a governing board that reflects ICMA’s membership and the communities served.
ICMA provides member support; publications; data and information; peer and results-oriented assistance; and training and professional development to over 12,000 city, town, and county managers, their staffs, and other individuals and organizations throughout the world. The management decisions made by ICMA's members affect millions of individuals living in thousands of communities, from small villages and towns to large metropolitan areas.
ICMA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that offers a wide range of services to its members and the local government community. It also performs mission-driven grant and contract-funded work both in the U.S. and Internationally, which is supported by federal government agencies, foundations, and corporations.
Additional information about the organization's code of conduct and core values can be found in this booklet. Anonymous and confidential information about waste, fraud or abuse can be reported by calling (800) 461-9330.
More about who we are:
The ICMA Constitution - Outlines qualifications and election procedures for ICMA's officers, defines membership categories, and establishes the important link between membership and ICMA's Code of Ethics. Amendments to the Constitution and Code of Ethics must be approved by a majority vote of Corporate members.
The ICMA Declaration of Ideals - Members of the International City/County Management Association dedicate themselves to the faithful stewardship of the public trust and embrace a shared ideal of management excellence.
ICMA Code of Ethics - At the very core of ICMA is the mission to promote an ethical culture in local government. Since the development of the ICMA Code of Ethics in 1924, the organization has built an extensive collection of advice on ethics issues, case studies, and model local government documents that further the organization’s mission throughout the world.
ICMA Practices for Effective Local Government Management and Leadership - All ICMA programs are drawn from the 14 core competencies that members have determined are essential to local government leadership and management.