Here are summaries of the major activities, accomplishments, and financial data for the past several years. ICMA's fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.
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ICMA advanced a number of organizational changes to strengthen ICMA and position itself to serve its members in the ever-changing environment of local government. We implemented a new dues structure to address cost barriers to membership, adopted significant changes to the ICMA Code of Ethics, and further advanced our efforts surrounding global engagement to highlight the value of professional management in local government administration.
Returning to in-person conferences and meetings for the first time since the COVID pandemic, ICMA and its members emerged stronger and more resilient. Membership continues to grow, and ICMA reduced the cost of membership dues for the first time in its history. Highlights of activities and results from FY2022 demonstrate ICMA's commitment to professional local government management around the globe.
The work ICMA does around the globe is critical to our 12,000+ members, and we are committed to being there when they need us most. Here's how we showed our support in FY 2021 through our major activities, accomplishments, and financial data.
While the fiscal year is behind us, the legacy of all we have experienced will live on for decades to come.
Other Downloads
2018 Audited Financial Results of ICMA and ICMA Europe
2017 Strategic Plan Progress Update
2017 Audited Financial Results
Executive Director's Report 2016
Executive Director's Report 2015