By supporting the arts and encouraging renovations, the city of Colquitt revived its community and economy.
By engaging with students, local governments can create real conversations on how policy affects those who cannot vote yet.
An awards program working to elevate the growing number of diverse and creative ways city leaders are harnessing the power of people to solve problems.
You know, it’s strange. I’ve been working in the community development field for almost ten years and yet, I’m not actuallysure when I first became aware of local government. I remember calling the Mayor’s office in fourth grade to advocate for a snow day (ironically, I was told that the city did not determine such…
Notes from the airport: Recap of a roundtable discussion at the ICMA Annual Conference
ICMA Executive Director Marc Ott offers support to communities dealing with crises.
A checklist to help ensure that your police recruitment practices are aligned with your community's needs in the 21st Century.
Tips for recruiting police chiefs and officers to meet today's and tomorrow's needs.