The last few years has brought a litany of discussions on the new normal in local government. I would argue that despite the recurrent challenges faced by local government administrators; in the area of economic development, it’s still business as usual.

Economic development can be boiled down to many buzzwords, but the simplest one is this: communication. When sitting down with a group of business leaders, the number one issue they state time and time again is that time is money. Businesses want their permits processed before the check is cleared and want a direct point of contact when questions or concerns arise - be it power outages, garbage pickup, or flooding issues. Government can and must respond efficiently and effectively. Simple steps such as appointing a single point of contact per building site can go a long way in creating a business friendly environment.

By pivoting governments role as a partner and by actively listening to the needs of local business owners, local governments can support and foster economic growth. Even the most enthusiastic free-marketer understands the role of government, but it is incumbent upon government to communicate that the role is to help, not to hinder. Prompt and concise communication should serve as a bedrock to any economic development policy. No tax incentive can replace the power of actively listening and engaging with the business community. After all, even the word “no” sounds better with an outstretched hand.

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