A significant amount of municipal officials’ actions take place in a meeting. Unfortunately, virtually all of us can relate horror stores of meetings gone awry.
This Case Study from ICMA's Results Network profiles the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, in its process of implementing a 311 system.
Citizen involvement is essential to the success of many initiatives undertaken by local governments...
This program brochure is part of a large gang prevention effort that coordinates police, social services, churches, the court system, and schools from Fairfax County, VA...
When the city of Surprise, Arizona, decided to improve its development review process (planning, engineering, and building) in 2006...
This article explains how the national Firewise Communities program uses Community-Based Social Marketing (CBSM) to work with residents to prepare for fires
This report describes the process the City of Lynwood, CA, went through to select a CRM (Citizen Relationship Management) system...
The National Citizen Survey is the product of a joint collaboration between ICMA and The National Research Center...