A fact sheet from ICMA, CNA, and the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice
ICMA's survey on police recruitment, training, and community engagement gathered perspectives of management, police administration, officers, human resources, and the community.
Hollywood, Florida, is testing an innovative new model for curbing domestic violence through an offender-focused initiative.
Lee Feldman, city manager of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, shares seven questions he asks police chief candidates during the interview process.
Five local governments share advice for others considering body-worn camera programs.
A checklist based on experience from jurisdictions that have adopted body-worn cameras for the police department.
Police departments across the US are closing the gap on community relations by joining in on a social media lip sync battle. Is yours next?
Leading Practices on Public Service Initiatives
In honor of National Police Week, ICMA has collected some of its best resources on the topic of law enforcement.