Certificate of Completion for the ICMA University Workshop: "Leadership and Management in a (Permanent) Crisis ".
With budgets to work on, community meetings to oversee, policies to research and develop, and residents to meet with, your time will be at a premium.
Finding and creating relationships with a mentor is easier than you think.
ICMA Executive Director Marc Ott provides an update on key initiatives and activities currently underway at ICMA.
Leadership Is the Art of Conversation
To ensure your mentee grows and develops successfully, here's some insights from CoachConnect experts for the next time you play coach, adviser, teacher, mentor.
ICMA's purpose is to provide the inspiration, education, and connections you need to grow and thrive in the profession.
Here's what a handful of local government experts and thought leaders are seeing in their crystal balls.
Local government experts and thought leaders look into the local government crystal ball and share their predictions, views, and tips on 2018.