The Town initiated a dog waste pick-up awareness campaign to address recurring complaints from residnets regarding dog waste on neighborhood sidewalks.
This is a sample City Council Policy from Peoria, AZ addressing the issue of civility in Council Meetings.
Tips to help protect yourself from the sun while still enjoying the outdoors!
This protocol manual is designed to assist the City Council, staff, and others by memorializing existing policies, procedures and the general ways of doing things.
To request additional information complete the Exhibitor Info form here.
The City of Tyler implemented its call to SERVE program that engourages employees to Streamline, Empower, Respond, Venture, and Evaluate
The City of Tyler recognizes that it is crucial to keep – and retain – employees whose skills and capabilities grow, thereby allowing the City...
A report from a symposium held on February 16, 2012, CommonHealth ACTION (CHA) presented i-HIT: Exploring the Intersections of Health,Technology, and...