The City of Southlake and Sabre Holdings, a private company that retails travel products and develops technologies for the travel industry, formed a public-private partnership....
Profile of Local Government Service Delivery Choices, 1997
Envisioned in 2006 and launched in August 2007, the City of Cape Coral’s Lean Government system saved and/or prevented the City from spending $2 million.
In a knowledge economy, it is all about attracting, retaining and growing talent. Talent management is a particularly important issue for local governments since we have a higher proportion of knowledge workers than the private sector. (1) Knowledge workers, especially “Next Generation” employees (Gen X and Y), not only want to be paid well and receive competitive benefits, they increasingly demand a vibrant and vital workplace. In a shrinking talent market, paying competitive wages and benefits is necessary but completely insufficient. The war for talent is won or lost on the battlefield