Strategic asset management is the solution to ensuring data is at the center of all infrastructure maintenance and futureproofing decisions
ICMA is dedicated to supporting you in combating climate change.
How ICMA’s new guidebook helps local governments plan for the future
Critical changes to the National Flood Insurance Program are on the horizon.
The Strengthening Urban Resilience for Growth with Equity (SURGE) Project will improve economic competitiveness and resilience of cities outside of Metro Manila in the Philippines.
The Supreme Court's decision will impact how the federal government may regulate power plants to reduce greenhouse gases.
Now they have to fund them.
In 2021, Aspen will update its CAP for the third time since the plan’s inception in 2006. This time around, Aspen will follow the example of cities that are leading the way by centering the work of climate planning in equity principles.
Numerous cities have brought climate change cases against energy companies. While this case is procedural, it may impact whether those cases are successful.