At its June meeting, the ICMA Executive Board approved a statement on systemic racism and some initial action steps.
Reopening our economy presents specific problems for older Americans and requires support from all levels of government, industry, and nonprofit organizations.
These action steps are part of the statement issued by the ICMA Executive Board on June 10.
Newly elected vice presidents will take office during ICMA's Annual Conference and revisions to Tenets 5 and 6 of ICMA’s Code of Ethics.
Members voted to approve changes to Tenets 5 and 6 and the ICMA Executive Board approved guideline revisions.
These ICMA members have been recommended by the Credentialing Advisory Board to receive ICMA Credentialed Manager or Candidate status in July.
Deputy City Manager | Gaithersburg, MD | ICMA Member Since 2008
Job report shows dramatic job losses in local and state governments as Senate debates the need for a fourth stimulus package.
PowerPoint Slides presentation that accompanied the June 3 Webinar: Working Differently in a Post-COVID-19 World