To reduce crime, you need to avoid strategies that apply common crime fallacies.
Takeaways and resources from ICMA's Voices in Local Government podcast.
Specially curated resources to help kick start initiatives in the areas of management, equity and inclusion, and addressing gun violence.
This Supreme Court decision limits some local government gun regulation.
A Voices in Local Government podcast on how to lead before, during, and after tragedy from what feels like a powerless position.
A Voices in Local Government podcast episode on how kids can help design better places for everyone to live.
Learn how local government managers and city planners can break out of their own bubble dominated by budgets and constraints to revamp their communities for everyone.
The ICMA Voices in Local Government podcast welcomes guests to discuss a critical two-part resource on how to address a mass shooting incident. This discussion bypasses partisan gun control arguments to focus on the near-impossible responsibility local government officials face after a mass-casualty event.
UnitedOnGuns offers the Mass Shooting Protocol & Playbook, a free resource to support local governments.