ICMA membership survey covers various topics including member satisfaction, membership value and benefits, customer service, outreach, and various ICMA programs and products.
Charlotte has undertaken several racial equity processes designed to improve community service delivery, including the ongoing use of a racial equity lens for city programs.
Five local governments share advice for others considering body-worn camera programs.
If you are interested in bringing the Life, Well Run campaign to your community, state, or school, ICMA has developed a variety of resources that you can use.
A collection of sound ethics advice from ICMA's Public Management (PM) magazine.
A checklist based on experience from jurisdictions that have adopted body-worn cameras for the police department.
These "must reads" bring you the most current and important resiliency ideas, insights, and leading practices.
The performance review process is an important part of managing a workforce; however, local governments can have a process that needs to be updated.