ICMA shares some resources for dealing with winter storms.
Resources that can help you prepare, mitigate, and respond to flooding in your community.
ICMA offers resources for responding to wildfires that strain city and county governments.
FGCU students sit down with local government managers to learn how to deal with ethical challenges.
After the June 2018 Supreme Court decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair, 30 states have taken some action to enforce collection of taxes from remote sellers
On April 15, 2019, the town of Norwood, MA, held a "Bring Home the Bacon for Civics" event to raise funds for civics education. Read how the town rallied around this important cause.
Knowing yourself and your limits is important in managing your stress during and after a disaster strikes.
A Real-World Overview Of Critical Preparedness Issues [PM Magazine, May 2019]
Engaging the Full Community Through Citizen-Centric Strategies [PM Magazine, May 2019]