The latest in ICMA’s Courageous Conversations series features candid conversation about the challenges faced and mind shift needed to become a truly inclusive organization and community, as well as being mindful of opportunities to increase accessibility for all.
How local government can break the stereotype of the bureaucratic "no" and connect with its community.
While local governments await Department of Treasury’s Final Rule on use of the American Rescue Plan’s Fiscal Recovery Funds, a number of resources remain available to inform their planning and reporting.
ICMA is seeking insight from local governments under 20,000 in population for new research.
Hispanic Heritage Month is September 15 - October 15
Increased participation will lead to informed decisions that advance the public good.
Increasing your influence so your ideas and perspectives are taken seriously, resulting in a positive impact?
Learn skills to thrive in polarized situations
The focus must be on serving as a trusted source of information to help inform public action.