Mark your calendars and preregister for a virtual meeting to share your feedback.
Guidebook for current ACAOs, new or aspiring ACAOs, or CAOs looking to create or support an ACAO in your organization.
Directory of search firms that assist with recruitment and placement of local government chief administrators and other senior positions.
In this edition of Career Compass, Dr. Benest invites us to be strategic about how we restart operations: we have a unique opportunity to start fresh.
Congratulations to the following ICMA members on their recent local government appointments.
The board held its June 4-5, 2021, quarterly meeting as a hybrid meeting, with Executive Director/CEO Marc Ott and 16 board members meeting in person in Chicago and four board members joining virtually via Zoom. Here is a rundown of the board’s most significant decisions.
CoachConnect continues to be a popular resource for local government professionals!
As ICMA President-Elect, Towery will play a key role in advancing professional local government leading up to his term as president.
This document serves as a model employment agreement template for administrators of municipal governments.