Finding, sourcing, and engaging talent in the wave of the great resignation can be tough. Not only do you have the task of managing multiple job postings and interviews at a time, but you are also in competition with other local government organizations that very well could be offering your potential candidates a position that is more worthwhile.
So how can you find the right employees to achieve your mission? What should your local government know to be successful at attracting and retaining talent? Read on for some insights from the ICMA archives.
Talent 2.0
Developed by Cal-ICMA, Talent 2.0 identifies a variety of actions, both large and small, that local governments can take to increase their chances for successfully attracting, retaining, and growing talent. Key recommendations for attracting talent include eliminate minimum qualifications for entry-level positions; update job postings to focus on meaning, values, learning, skills development, and organizational culture; and hire for potential and learning agility vs. technical skills and knowledge. Download the Talent 2.0 report.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workforce Considerations
MissionSquare Research Institute compiled a report on representation in the public service workforce by race, ethnicity, gender, age, veteran status, LGBTQIA+ identification, disability, and other characteristics. The significance of this data is not only in pointing out areas where more targeted recruiting may be warranted, but also in identifying areas where multiple factors may be interacting to impact labor needs, recruitment, and retention of a diverse workforce. Download Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Public Service Workforce.
Recruitment Guidelines for Selecting a Local Government Administrator
This guidebook was first published just over 10 years ago. While a lot has changed in 10 years, the basic process for selecting a chief administrator has remained substantially the same. It still requires careful planning, astute evaluation of candidates, and a clear understanding of the relationship between the governing body and the chief administrator. In this edition, however, new focus has been given to the ICMA Code of Ethics—the foundation of the local government management profession—and the emergence of the Voluntary Credentialed Manager program. Access the guidebook for best practices that will be most meaningful to you and your community in selecting a chief administrator.
Competitive Pay: Best Practices for Determining Pay Rates for Local Government Positions
Local governments often face an uphill battle when trying to attract and retain top-notch talent, as they must compete against both the private and nonprofit sectors to be the employer of choice. However, there are several tactics your jurisdiction can employ to recruit and maintain a high-caliber staff. Watch human resources experts Carol Granfield, ICMA-CM and Sandy Stapczynski discuss various methods for municipal compensation and planning, and review best practices for determining pay rates for individual positions. Registration is open for this on demand webinar.
Local Government Talent Management in the 21st Century
In today’s environment, local government managers must focus on the important topic of talent management. Your HR staff can provide support, training, and backup in many of these functions, but the truly effective work in planning for the new staff member, attracting quality staff members, and providing feedback, encouragement, and development opportunities to ensure the new employee’s success and retention, must come from the employee’s manager/supervisor. Read more on talent management and watch the free, 90-minute ICMA Coaching webinar.
Find the best candidates for your position with ICMA
ICMA's Job Center offers a direct market to ICMA members—the largest audience of dedicated local government professionals across the United States and internationally. Learn more.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!