Image of a board room table and chairs

ICMA invites you to consider the unique background and perspective that you can bring to the association as a board member. ICMA Regional Vice Presidents play a critical leadership role within the local government management profession, represent members in their geographic region, and serve three-year terms.

Key Dates

  • October 14, 2024: Call for candidate nominations to serve as regional vice presidents officially opens. Members eligible to serve the 2025-2028 term in their region are notified of their eligibility by email and invited to apply for ICMA Executive Board service. 
  • January 10, 2025: Deadline for eligible members to submit their materials.
  • Late February-Early April 2025: Regional Nominating Committees in each region (International, Midwest, Mountain Plains, Northeast, Southeast, West Coast) convene virtually to interview candidates and select one nominee to appear as the region's recommended candidate on ICMA’s annual election ballot for consideration by the membership.
  • April 29, 2025: Annual election ballot opens to the membership. Voting begins.
  • May 30, 2025: Ballot closes. Voting ends.

Eligibility to Serve the 2025-2028 Regional Vice President Term

In accordance with ICMA’s Constitution, only ICMA Corporate (voting) members serving in a full-time, appointed position to a local government qualify to compete to serve on the executive board. This includes:

1. Full members, i.e., chief administrative officers (CAOs) or assistant/deputy CAOs.

2. Affiliate members who have a minimum of five years of service to a local government and five years of membership in ICMA, i.e., assistants/deputies/department heads/entry to mid-level management or other appointed local government professionals.*

* Affiliate members meeting the criteria stated above may only compete during their region’s designated non-CAO year. The 2024-2025 election year is the designated non-CAO year for the Midwest region only. 

Qualified members are also subject to the rotation system and selection criteria in the geographical protocols within their region’s Regional Nominating Agreement. The rotation of states/countries and position types changes every year and annual requirements differ by region. Members should review the customized regional protocols and the historical representation of states and countries for their region in detail by visiting ICMA’s website.


2024-2025 Summary of Eligibility by Region


Apply by January 10, 2025

Eligible members who would like to be considered by their region’s Nominating Committee for the 2025-2028 vice president term, must submit the following items to ICMA by January 10, 2025. All items must be emailed in a single PDF packet/attachment to ICMA at Late materials will not be accepted:

  1. A statement of your qualifications for board service and your view of the issues facing ICMA. Two-page limit.
  2. Current resume.
  3. A list of any contributions you have made to ICMA and state/affiliate organizations, such as service on a committee, board, etc.
  4. Thoughtful letters of support from members or letters of endorsement from state or affiliate associations that can aid the Regional Nominating Committee in understanding your qualities, achievements, and potential contributions to the board (Optional, but recommended).
  5. Petition signed by 15 ICMA Corporate members (Optional, not required).

Reach Out for Guidance

Individuals who are interested in pursuing this leadership opportunity can reach out to their state or country association leadership, affiliate organization leadership, current or former ICMA regional vice presidents, and ICMA regional directors:

You can learn more about the eligibility requirements for your region, the role and expectations of board service, the nominations and election process, and the 2024-2025 schedule by visiting the website.

Regional Nominations Information

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!