Reviews the City of Phoenix’s sustainability plans and covers key areas: water resources, historic preservation, energy and green buildings, transportation...
Because of the need to access and share data between local governments, the King County Data Exchange program allows cities, counties and special districts to share information....
The City of Roanoke’s Citizens Environmental Checklist gives residents simple tips on how to be more environmentally friendly.
The City of Roanoke designed a campaign pledge where residents would agree to reduce their carbon footprint and lessen their impact on the environment.
The City of Roanoke’s Fill Your Bin and Win program creates a recycling initiative and aims to increase recycling throughout the city.
The City of Roanoke’s Greening the Office Checklist gives businesses a scorecard on how they affect the environment.
The Progress Toward Measurable Goals brochure established benchmarks and goals for the City of Roanoke’s Clean and Green Campaign.