The Phoenix light rail system started spurring investment long before its maiden voyage December 28, 2008. Phoenix Metro estimates that since 2004 $7.4 billion...
This Downtown Master Plan for the City of Asheville, North Carolina won a 2010 Marvin Collins Outstanding Planning Award from the North Carolina Chapter ...
Highlands County, Florida, opened the state’s first-ever landfill-gas-powered asphalt plant late last year.
This document outlines City of Manhattan's Reusable Bag Program and provides information on the city's plastic bag ban...
A table outlining local California governments that have adopted plastic bag reduction ordinances.
The City of Scottsdale provides a comprehensive and detailed checklist of green building practices for residential buildings under three...
The author writes about how property taxes revenues, which normally hold up during recessions, will plummet during this housing downturn....
Virtually every city and county across the country has a mobile workforce.
This article reviews the CitySmart program and it was started by a number of Texas municipalities wanting to reduce their energy costs while improving efficient energy usage.