The predictions from these experts can offer you a new perspective on important issues in local government.
New data explores various topics related to public sector innovation, as well as newly emerging issues and practices affecting local government management.
As a new tool, EIFDs are partly a learning experience as more local governments begin to establish them.
Slides for Rebuilding After Disaster Strikes: Strategies That Work Session at ICMA's 104th Annual Conference
Integrating physical and digital infrastructure achieves optimal utility performance.
How Four Texas Communities Found a Noise-Abatement Solution for a Federal Roadway
As Roadway Capacity Dwindles, It's Time for Smart Decisions
This Letter from April of 2017 reiterates the 7 leading local government organizations support for Classifying Municipal Securities as High-Quality Liquid Assets.
There are many benefits related to deploying smart cities technologies in the energy and water sectors. Here’s what your organization should consider.