In 2009, the City of Sarasota undertook an initiative to redesign its medical plan by exploring changes to their third party administrator, plan features, employee contributions...
The Leaders Challenge program in Arlington County Government was created in 2008 to address succession planning concerns at senior levels of the organization.
A new issue brief from the Center for State and Local Government Excellence examines how three city governments – Asheville, Denver, and Oklahoma City – have responded to rising health care costs.
Despite the financial challenges of providing health insurance benefits to employees, some local governments have used innovative solutions to reduce the cost of premiums.
This PowerPoint presentation was used during 2011 ICMA Annual Conference in Milwaukee.
Bully Busters is a comprehensive public awareness campaign developed by the County’s Criminal Justice Office to bring attention to the problem of bullying; educate the public; encourage reporting bullying behavior; and promote a zero-tolerance attitude toward bullying in Hillsborough County.