Read this excerpt from an issue of ICMA’s Infocus, Making Smart Choices about Fire and Emergency Medical Services in a Difficult Economy, which presents a balanced process for making data-driven decisions.
The City of Palm Bay, FL created Open.Palmbay as a way to increase the transparency of city finances.
In 2008, Village staff began a detailed review of operating practices and procedures.
Strategic planning efforts have failed in the past to create any meaningful changes in Yolo County. Three primary reasons are identified to account for this failure...
Saving energy through energy efficiency improvements can cost less than generating, transmitting, and distributing energy from power plants, and provides multiple economic....
Over the years the city of Las Vegas has seen an increase in the cost of annual employee healthcare.
The office of U.S. Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA) put together this 17-page handbook to assist nonprofit organizations in applying for federal stimulus money.