The Big 7 united to inform the Society of Actuaries (SOA) blue ribbon panel of our associations’ initiatives to ensure the sustainability of defined benefit pension plans.
People have been generating electricity from wind energy for centuries.
The role of defined contribution plans for state and local government employees is evolving...
This issue of GRS Insight is intended to provide a detailed explanation of many of the changes established under the GASB’s new standards.
Our organizations, representing state and local government officials across the United States, recognize that the Governmental Accounting Standards Board’s (GASB)...
The GASB’s new pension accounting and financial reporting standards will significantly change the information presented in state(...)
The Summary Annual Report of the City of Kalamazoo Employees’ Retirement System is presented for your information.
Why have the national associations of state and local governments established a pension funding task force?...
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has issued new standards for how state and local government employers should account for pension benefit costs.