The U.S. Department of Treasury offers three webinars and an overview of the final rule implementing ARPA's Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) program.
Techniques for getting the most from this “once-in-a-generation” funding as even the most basic approaches can be transformational.
This paper from ICMA and GFOA illustrates entrepreneurial thinking using the city of Lancaster, California.
Bill pending in the House (S3011, passed by consent in the Senate), would give local governments greater flexibility and clarity on eligible uses of ARPA funds, including disaster recovery expenses and certain infrastructure investments.
After the House voted 228-206 on November 5 to pass the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, ICMA joined the leading state and local government organizations to issue a statement commending House members of both parties on their vote.
ICMA, GFOA, and a number of like-minded organizations contend that rethinking revenue is necessary because local government revenues have not remained aligned with modern economic realities.
ICMA surveyed local government chief administrative officers (CAOs) in September 2021 about their priorities for utilizing the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)’s Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (FRF).
Project and Expenditure Reports for NEUS now due April 30, 2022; metropolitan cities and counties have until January 31, 2022
ICMA urges Congress and the White House to take timely action to raise the debt ceiling.