The Strengthening Urban Resilience for Growth with Equity (SURGE) Project will improve economic competitiveness and resilience of cities outside of Metro Manila in the Philippines.
ICMA recognizes communities for their commitment to the principles of performance management.
A complete list of Honorary Membership recipients.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are key considerations in the recruitment and retention of a talented and effective workforce that reflects the community it serves.
RFP No. ICMAHO/ICMA Investment Adviser/2021
ICMA and the Big 7 urge action on S. 3011, the bipartisan bill to give more flexibility in spending American Rescue Plan (ARPA) Funds, passed by unanimous consent by the Senate on October 19. The bipartisan State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Fiscal Recovery, Infrastructure and Disaster Relief Flexibility Act would give governments that have received ARPA funding more flexibility to use funds on priorities like infrastructure, neighborhood revitalization, and disaster recovery.
Bill pending in the House (S3011, passed by consent in the Senate), would give local governments greater flexibility and clarity on eligible uses of ARPA funds, including disaster recovery expenses and certain infrastructure investments.
This case will set legal rules for local government regulation of guns outside the home.