The new edition of the Model City Charter brings equity and civic engagement to the forefront.
Dorla Bonner and other members of the ICMA Equity Officer Institute 2021–2022 cohort explain what diversity, equity, and inclusion mean to them and their communities, as well as the importance of this work.
In your local government’s efforts to elevate your equity work, you may come across a term that is unfamiliar to you. Review this glossary of terms. It’s crucial that we all have a working knowledge of this terminology.
A rural Montana community took action to pinpoint inclusion and equity gaps and revise practices and policies.
Local governments all over the world are taking an innovative approach to curating budgeting strategies that fit their communities, and we have gathered five standout practices that add an innovative touch to the budgeting process.
ICMA’s 2022 Local Government Excellence Awards honor individuals and programs that have created a legacy of change in the local government profession.
Increasing revenues and fairness at the same time.
How can you make the most of your limited time?
The regional conferences are dedicated to enhancing your ability to bounce back and thrive by offering new strategies, best practices, and creative solutions to some of the greatest challenges faced by each region.