What are the most important 9/11 lessons for the future of local governments?
Describes the summary results of the CAO salary and compensation survey conducted in 2011. Covers base salary, benefits, employment agreements.
The Suwanee City Council Protocol Manual includes information on their code of ethics, important city documents, meetings, and office positions.
See more results from the recently conducted e-government survey.
Results of a 2011 survey conducted by ICMA in collaboration with Dr. Donald F. Norris and Dr. Christopher Reddick, the survey examined local governments' use of e-government
A new issue brief from the Center for State and Local Government Excellence probes the question of what role union power has had in public pension benefit levels.
Bully Busters is a comprehensive public awareness campaign developed by the County’s Criminal Justice Office to bring attention to the problem of bullying; educate the public; encourage reporting bullying behavior; and promote a zero-tolerance attitude toward bullying in Hillsborough County.
EPA website shares case studies that highlight local government successes in establishing sustainable water infrastructure foundations for the future.