The Know Your Limit Program is an educational detail that focuses on reducing and deterring the number of impaired drivers by means other than enforcement. Scottsdale Police Officers, with the assistance and support of surrounding agencies, patrol the City of Scottsdale’s Entertainment District on foot in an effort to contact patrons in the area. The Entertainment Districts consists of approximately 85 liquor establishments within a one square mile area. The program is designed to educate the public with regards to alcohol consumption, the effects of such alcohol on the body and decision-making abilities, as well as comparing the arrest penalties associated with a DUI conviction versus the fees incurred by taking a cab home. Patrons are provided with flyers and handouts that illustrate and describe standardized drinks, related effects, and approximate Blood Alcohol Concentrations and average metabolic rates. In an average evening of enforcement, the City may arrest around 20 impaired drivers; however, participants of the Know Your Limit Program will contact upwards of 500 patrons. The ultimate goal is to keep all of them from driving impaired, thereby reducing the number of alcohol-related traffic incidents.