With more than 50,000 visitors over several days, the 2008 Democratic National Convention was among the largest gatherings the city of Denver had ever witnessed. The Denver 311 Contact Center, only a few years old, played an instrumental role in developing and implementing communications plans for the event. The center was established with three objectives: to improve customer service, to ensure greater efficiency, and to reduce the number of non-emergency calls to 911. Besides day-to-day functions, 311 call centers also played a pivotal role in assisting communities in preparation for and response to emergencies as well as events like the convention. Advanced planning for these events benefited from inclusion of 311 professionals, who anticipated the types of questions residents and visitors might ask and planned how to quickly relay reliable information to the public and media in changing circumstances.


This document is part of the Integrating 311 into Disaster Response & Recovery toolkit, featuring resources for communities wanting to make the best use of their 311 system before, during and after an emergency or disaster.

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