The recent grassroots “Defund the Police” movement is a matter of policing and public safety, with lessons that are transferable to many community issues.
Six months since the pivot to virtual meetings, a Zoom Wizard offers reflections and recommendations for the road ahead
How asking questions and digging into data helped a water district feel confident about its strategic asset management approach.
Dr. Michael Howell, regional medical executive with Cigna, shares questions you can ask yourself to help reduce stress and manage your health.
As governments continue to accelerate advancements in the wake of COVID-19’s disruption, now is the perfect time to understand and apply generational context.
As local governments continue on the path to reopening, it may be time to update COVID-related employee policies.
To be better positioned for a substantial 2019 bond package, Scottsdale needed to provide residents with reliable information that will allow them to make an informed decision.
The “return to normal” will be filled with volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA).
Professional managers can be a positive voice and trusted source to help combat disinformation and foster a stronger public health response to the pandemic.