The Center for Management Strategies will soon be adding educational programming and technical assistance in the field of civic engagement to its suite of services for local governments and is pleased to report that Pete Peterson, Executive Director of the Davenport Institute at Pepperdine University will be speaking at the Center for Priority Based Budgeting's "Summit of Leading Practices"  July 9 and 10 in Arlington, Virginia.  Pete and the Davenport Institute have provided funding and technical assistance to local governments in California to further their civic engagement work and will share great information on this topic for attendees at the "Summit."   

Priority Based Budgeting is an effective mechanism by which local governments can create an engagement role for citizens to influence their communities and their budgetary expenditures.   The Center for Priority Based Budgeting has benefited from the Davenport Institute's mission and dedication to civic engagement in several of its projects, including the City of Walnut Creek, CA and the City of Fairfield, CA, through grant funding from Davenport to support  work in bringing citizens into the city's budgeting process. 

As a sponsor of the "Summit of Leading Practices,"  the Center for Management Strategies is pleased  that Pete Peterson  will be a part of this program as he brings to life stories of success in "legitimate civic engagement." 



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