Here are several articles on leadership topics pulled from various local government resources to start off your work week. "Leadership Reading to Start Your Week" will point you to articles on leadership, management, women in local government, career stage advice, and more.

3 Reasons Your Team Won't Follow You

From Government Executive, written by David M. Dye

"If your team won’t follow you, there’s a good chance you’re making one or more of these mistakes..."

Career Compass No. 46: Leading by Letting Go

From Career Compass - a monthly column from ICMA, written by Dr. Frank Benest

"When I was a less seasoned leader, I too felt that I must "drive" change and ride hard on staff to achieve important results. When I felt my unit was not apt to step up or perform at its highest level, I did the important work myself. It was all about my vision, my goals, my agenda, and my results. I, too, cared a lot. Upon a lot of reflection, I discovered that the problem was two-fold..." 


From GovLoop, Written by Chuck Bayne

"From time to time, we all get sage advice on the things good leaders should do or characteristics you should have. Sometimes we are even afforded opportunities to attend formalized management development courses and programs to help learn effective leadership. But eventually, we come to the list of things to avoid or “pitfalls” that are inherently problematic. Here are my top seven things good leaders should avoid."

Five Cringe-Worthy Networking Mistakes To Avoid In 2016

From Forbes, Written by Liz Ryan

"Bait-and-switch networking is one of the Five Deadly Networking Sins to avoid in 2016. Here are four more..." 

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