There's a lot to be learned by asking for advice from colleagues and staff, as Saturday's ICMA University Workshop entitled "Leadership and Management in a (Permanent) Crisis" revealed through a fun exercise.
Nothing quite like sitting a couple of inches away from the person you're addressing. You ask that person a question important to you and then listen to the person's answer. The close seating arrangement forces you both to focus.
The volume of conversation and energy level lifted the entire room. Here's what the participants observed about the excchanges:
- It's useful getting advice from strangers. They're unencumbered by the bias of knowing a lot about your circumstances, so their perspective on your situation is really fresh.
- The more specific your question, the more on-target the advice.
- Even just articulating your question proves to be an enlightening exercise.
- Listening is a lot of work and takes a lot of energy!
Might this be a good exercise for you during this conference?! Just asking.
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