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This week on Local Gov Life, we are exploring tips, practices, and resources on how to be a successful supervisor and leader in the local government management profession. You’ll also hear about ways to develop leaders at all levels within your organization. Speakers featured in the episode, Developing Successful Leaders, include Mark Peterson, vice president, Gov HR and former city manager of Normal, Illinois; Scott Sellers, city manager of Kyle, Texas; and Matt Bronson, city manager of Grover Beach, California.
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A deep thought from Mark Peterson (11:40)
Being accessible and inspirational, while always having a strong vision or purpose, are important. In addition, certain behaviors can help enhance your own leadership effectiveness, like taking personal responsibility and sharing credit for success with your staff.
Read this article from PM magazine that explains why staff members like a leader with a clear idea of where he or she is headed, and who knows how to motivate others to accomplish the goal.
A coaching idea you can use from Scott Sellers (38:19)
Creating a culture that doesn’t punish failure and instead allows for innovation and changes is part of coaching.
Read this blog post from Dan Singer, ICMA member, Poway, California, that explains if our organizations are going to continue to become more creative and effective in meeting the needs of tomorrow's residents and customers, local government must find a way to be more attractive, since it is culture, not money, that ultimately brings meaning to public service.
You can grow by stepping out of your comfort zone from Matt Bronson (1:07:48)
In local government, there are a lot of opportunities to take on a role or a project that you’re not an expert on. Throughout these tough projects or discussions, you have an opportunity to develop your skills as a leader and supervisor.
Read this blog post from David Street, project manager, office of the county administrator, Loudoun County, Virginia, that explains three things you can incorporate into your everyday work to make sure you are headed in the direction you want to be.
*Participants in this episode were originally featured in a popular ICMA Coaching Webinar, Successful Supervision and Leadership. ICMA coaching webinars feature leading practices, strategies and tactics, and developing issues and trends in the field.
Learn more about ICMA’s Coaching Program.
Read more about developing leaders in our Career Compass series.
Learn to lead when a crisis strikes.
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