From the 12 issues and almost 200 articles in PM Magazine this past year, it's always interesting to see which articles resonated most with PM readers (based on website metrics from Google Analytics).
The top 10 articles of 2024 focused heavily on one's own career, such as knowing when to leave a job, knowing when to stay, or deciding if you're ready to make the move to CAO.
It was a big year for our Women in Leadership article series, with two articles in the top 10 that poignantly articulated the struggles of women in the workforce.
Succession planning, "stay" interviews, and the recruitment and retention of younger public sector workers were also trending topics, as well as an article celebrating 20 years of the Local Government Management Fellowship.
Also of note was an article series examining whether crime is truly widespread and what can be done to properly address the conditions that perpetuate crime. The first article of the series ranked number two of the year.
ICMA gives a big thank-you to all of the 2024 authors who took the time to capture their stories, advice, and expertise in writing and share them with the PM audience.
Check out the full top 10 list below. We invite you to catch up on any of these articles you missed over the past year, or give them another read!
The Top 10 Articles of 2024
1. Knowing When to Leave
10 indications that it may be time to resign from your local government position.
By James Malloy, ICMA-CM
2. Is Crime Widespread?
To reduce crime, you should focus on the tiny fraction of addresses that experience most of the crime.
By Shannon J. Linning, Tom Carroll, ICMA-CM, Daniel W. Gerard, and John E. Eck
3. Moving from Department Head to Acting (or Permanent) City Manager: Are You Ready?
What to consider when faced with this big decision.
By Jan Perkins, ICMA-CM and Rod Gould, ICMA-CM
4. The Comprehensive Guide to Local Government Succession Planning
The time for succession planning in your organization is now, like right now!
By Patrick Ibarra
5. Resetting Organizational Culture with the Power of Stay Interviews
How a new city manager and his management group worked hard and changed everything.
By Dr. Peter Pirnejad and Dr. Frank Benest, ICMA-CM (Retired)
6. When to Stay and When to Go
While not an easy decision, it’s one that most of us will consider at some point in our careers.
By Rod Gould, ICMA-CM, Dr. Frank Benest, ICMA-CM (Retired), and Jan Perkins, ICMA-CM
7. WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP: The Pressure of Pretty
How unspoken beauty standards hold women back and how to redefine the narrative.
By Melissa Wiley
8. Attracting and Retaining Younger Public Sector Workers
Practical tips for recruitment and retention of the next generation of local government professionals.
By Rivka Liss-Levinson, Ph.D.
9. The Local Government Management Fellowship: Making an Impact for 20 Years
For two decades, this groundbreaking ICMA program has boosted the careers of new graduates and helped communities excel.
By Erika Cooper
10. WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP: “A Woman as City Manager? It Will Never Work”
Despite how far we’ve come, sexism continues to rear its ugly head.
By Ann M. Mitchell
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