On May 2, the ballot opened for ICMA's 2023 annual election of regional vice presidents to serve on the ICMA Executive Board. Corporate (voting) members can cast their votes May 2—June 2.
Regional Nominations Process and Annual Election
Of the 2,290 members eligible to compete this election year to serve the 2023-2026 term on the ICMA Executive Board, 17 members came forward to participate in the interviews and regional nominations process.
The six candidates on the 2023 Annual Election ballot were selected by their region’s nominating committee as the recommended nominee to appear on the election ballot for consideration by the membership.
The Regional Nominating Committees in the five U.S. regions are composed of a representative of each state association that has an affiliation agreement with ICMA and a representative of each affiliate organization designated by the ICMA Executive Board to participate in the regional nominations process: The League of Women in Government, Local Government Hispanic Network, National Forum for Black Public Administrators, and National Association of County Administrators. The International Regional Nominating Committee is composed of the senior international vice president, two or three former ICMA international board members, chair and vice chair of the International Committee, and one or two representatives from affiliated countries. The ICMA President (or designee) also serves on every Regional Nominating Committee.
The six committees (one per region) are responsible for interviewing all qualified candidates and nominating the individual who can best represent the local government management profession and those served by it on the ICMA Executive Board. Each committee can select only one candidate to appear as the region's recommended nominee on the ICMA annual election ballot for consideration by the membership. Candidates not selected by the committees have an option to appear on the election ballot via a petition process. No candidates exercised that option and there are no petition candidates on the ballot this year.
The Regional Nominating Committees considered the following evaluation criteria in their selection of this proposed slate of nominees: experience in local government; service to ICMA and its affiliates; diversity in the nominees and the continuing board members with whom they will serve in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, and age (acknowledging that ICMA will continue to monitor other membership demographics such as population size, jurisdiction type, position type, and form of government); demonstration of ethical behavior; commitment to follow the election guidelines; quality or caliber for board service; and participation in ICMA’s Voluntary Credentialing Program, if eligible.
Biographies of each candidate are provided on the election ballot, including present employment, educational background, credentialed status, previous employment, volunteer service to the profession, and offices held in ICMA and state/country/affiliate associations.
Eligibility and the selection process for regional vice presidents are governed by the ICMA Constitution and each region's Regional Nominating Agreement with affiliated state associations. The ICMA Executive Board has established guidelines for the regional nominations and election process to ensure consistency across ICMA's regions.
State and country associations and affiliate organizations are important partners with ICMA and are encouraged to identify and develop future leaders to serve on the ICMA Executive Board. Each year, each region has one regional vice president position become available. The 21-member board consists of a president, a president-elect, a past president, and 18 regional vice presidents. There are six regions, and each region is represented by three regional vice presidents. All regional vice presidents serve three-year terms.
How to Vote
The link and credentials to access the 2023 annual election ballot were emailed to ICMA Corporate members eligible to vote. The email comes from a third-party online voting vendor, Association Voting, announcement@associationvoting.com. Be sure to check your spam folder. Questions or issues voting? Email icmanominations@icma.org.
Who Can Vote?
Article VIII. Section I. of the ICMA Constitution states, "The privilege of voting is limited to Corporate Members." Corporate members are:
i. Full members (managers, deputies, and assistants working in local government, along with members who previously served in those roles, including Life Members).
ii. Affiliate members currently serving in an appointed position in local government who have a minimum of five years of service to a local government and five years of membership in ICMA.
Corporate members who have not provided an email address will receive a print ballot by mail the week of May 1.
- For questions about your membership status and voting eligibility, contact membership@icma.org.
- For technical support on accessing the ballot, general questions about the nominations and election process, or ICMA Executive Board service, contact icmanominations@icma.org.
- ICMA Executive Board.
- Information on Regional Nominations and Annual Election Process & FAQ.
- View the Regional Nominating Agreements.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!