ICMA launches its fourth LGR: Local Government Review as a special section in the July 2018 issue of Public Management (PM) magazine. Powered by TownCloud, this three-article issue is filled with key research findings and expert insights on local government issues and trends and is put into the hands of members and PM subscribers—at no additional cost!
Through LGR, ICMA members and PM subscribers get clear explanations and useful observations on matters of importance to local government professionals, including:
1. Nattering Nabobs of Negativism Are No Match for Participatory Budgeting. This article explores how an active citizen engagement strategy can be a transformative tool that helps officials better align budgeting decisions with residents’ preferences. The collective research on participatory budgeting suggests:
- Public officials should design a two-track participation strategy with a portfolio of mechanisms. At the micro-level, people can be recruited to help make decisions on specific issues. At the macro-level, participants have a chance to make decisions that benefit the entire community.
2. Local Government Options in an Era of State Preemption. Local governments continue to grow in importance in solving public problems at a time of increased politicization in state and federal governments, as well as expanded activism in many local governments. But states are rapidly placing new kinds of limits on local governments’ ability to act. This article suggests several ways local government leaders can preserve the autonomy necessary for representing residents’ needs. Key research findings include:
- Current conversations about state interference and limitations of local autonomy focus on preemption. Yet preemption is only one form of interference with local discretion. In our research, we identify three categories of state actions: permissions, restrictions, and requirements.
3. Essential Tool for Government: Data Analytics. As our world digitizes, local governments need to think about how their data can be used to improve their communities and consider how the commoditization of data will affect their operations. This article offers a five-step plan to successfully implement a data analytics platform. Key research findings include:
- Advancements in technology have made data analysis easier to perform, even for those without a technology background. As a result, staff members across the organization have a greater ability to understand and use data.
LGR: Local Government Review, powered by TownCloud, is offered to ICMA members as a member benefit and to PM magazine subscribers.
E-copies of LGR are available to ICMA nonmembers through the online bookstore for $8.95.
Click here for previously released versions of LGR: Local Government Review.
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