According to the new, complimentary ICMA Manager Evaluations Handbook, the periodic evaluation of the local government manager or administrator by the elected body is an important component of a high-performance organization. The evaluation should contain performance goals, objectives, and targets that are linked to the elected body’s established strategic plans, goals, and priorities, and it should focus on the manager or administrator’s degree of progress toward organizational outcomes. To be fair, it must be based on criteria that have been communicated to the CAO in advance. Sample or generic evaluation forms, if used, should be customized to reflect these criteria.
The purpose of the evaluation process is to increase communication between the members of the elected body and the CAO concerning his or her performance in the accomplishment of assigned duties and responsibilities, and the establishment of specific work-related goals and objectives for the coming year. Thus, all members of the elected body should participate in the process, both by individually completing the rating instrument and by discussing their ratings with the other elected officials to arrive at a consensus about performance expectations.
There is no one correct way to conduct an evaluation. The key is to ensure that the evaluation takes place in a regular, mutually agreed-upon manner and is viewed by all as an opportunity for communication between the elected officials and the manager or administrator.
The ICMA Manager Evaluations Handbook is intended to highlight the value of a formal evaluation process and to assist local elected officials in the design of an effective evaluation tool. Local government managers and administrators are encouraged to reference and review the handbook with an eye toward working with their elected bodies to develop formal, mutually agreed-upon processes for their own evaluations.
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