As costs of renewable energy come down and more systems connect to the grid, interconnection procedures developed over the last decade are under strain(...)
As more and more local governments and individuals look to develop and support solar power installations on their homes and communities...
As more individuals, corporations, and local governments consider photovoltaic (PV) solar energy as a means of controlling their energy costs
As more rooftop solar systems are installed across the U.S., municipalities and installers face numerous challenges ensuring quality and efficiency in the permitting
In tune with the Watershed Protection Department's mission to improve water quality, control erosion and reduce the impacts of flooding
Through CCA programs, municipalities are empowered to negotiate electric supply rates with power providers on behalf of the residents and business owners(...)
Utility customers that are the highest energy users are in a powerful position to expand markets for renewable energy technologies
Utility-run community solar programs are a key way to integrate solar PV into utility green power programs while addressing utility ratemaking concerns.
Vote Solar have developed a set of best practices for the solar permitting process that identify nine benchmarks for an efficient solar permitting process.