An awards program working to elevate the growing number of diverse and creative ways city leaders are harnessing the power of people to solve problems.
As we remember those who lost their lives or who were injured in Texas and New York City, we ask ourselves as professionals, what can we do to make our communities safer?
Possibly one step closer to the Supreme Court overturning Quill, meaning state and local governments will be able to force all sellers to collect sales tax.
ICMA has signed onto a letter from the Public Finance Network Calling on members of Congress to oppose measures in House's tax bill
Eligible candidates are encouraged to declare their interest in serving by January 22, 2018.
Call for proposals to West Coast Region states to host 2026 ICMA Annual Conference.
You know, it’s strange. I’ve been working in the community development field for almost ten years and yet, I’m not actuallysure when I first became aware of local government. I remember calling the Mayor’s office in fourth grade to advocate for a snow day (ironically, I was told that the city did not determine such…