Check out the best ideas in local government this week that you might have missed!
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is seeking proposals from eligible respondents for printing services in support of ICMA in Washington, D.C.
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is seeking proposals from eligible respondents for professional services in support of ICMA in Washington, D.C.
Regional Data Coordinator and Administrative Analyst<br>
City and County of San Francisco<br>
ICMA Member since 2016
Attachments should be in a 1-4 page PDF format, including a descriptive title, URL, and as appropriate, examples from more than one operation or department.
Patience is the capacity to tolerate delay without getting frustrated or upset.
Two-hour skill building workshops that can be brought to your organization.
Examples of how the city of Modena uses performance tracking in management and data reporting.
The Road to Leadership: Don’t Just Survive – Thrive! Workshop: Friday, September 13 at the Raleigh Sheraton Hotel, North Carolina