The accomplishments of Murray Levison in the field of professional development are staggering.
This report highlights the importance of child care as an economic development tool and makes recommendations for new policies to address this need.
This innovation stems from the Borough of Brent, just outside of London. To mitigate the wide discrepancy of poor housing, poor education, high crime, poor environment and worklessness, within Brent’s neighborhoods, compared to London, the borough developed an evidence based approach...
This is the 2010 nomination of West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada's Strategic Plan & Execution Strategy for the Strategic Leadership and Governance Award.
This is the 2010 nomination of Grant McRadu for the Award for Career Excellence in Honor of Mark E. Keane.
This is the 2010 nomination of Leesburg, Virginia's Land Development Process Improvements program for the Strategic Leadership and Governance Award.
The Town of Middlebury, VT partnered with Middlebury College to build the new Cross Street Bridge.
This is the 2010 nomination of Paul R. Stapleton for the Award for Career Excellence in Honor of Mark E. Keane.