The playground allows children with and without disabilities to play together, is the first for Mecklenburg County and the fourth for the state of North Carolina.
Build a successful volunteer program to drive growth and recovery.
This is a recent report put out by the Pew Research Institute, and it looks into how Americans are currently making use of mobile internet devices in 2010
Need help understanding what your boss wants or needs? In this installment of Career Compass, Dr. Benest offers advice on assembling an "operations manual" for the Big Cheese.
CPM is now releasing new What Works case studies on a periodic basis. The cases are short—just 1-3 pages each—and highlight practices proven effective in CPM local governments.
The majority of literature on the council-manager form of government focuses on its performance versus the mayor-council form of government
Larry Burks offers lessons on using financial condition analysis to make financial decisions.
This document compares local health department survey results from 2005 and 2008 to identify emerging trends in the public health sector...