In 2010, the San Jose City Council approved a reduction in the Citywide Aquatics Program that reduced the number of operating aquatic sites and community centers. The Council also authorized the Manager to negotiate and execute an agreement with alternative service providers to operate the remaining City-owned pools. As a result, Staff was able to negotiate pool leases at the school district-owned facilities and created a partnership that continued operations at existing sites, enhanced services though extended season dates, and allowed additional opportunities for residents to access aquatic services. The success of this operation can be attributed the City’s application of the ‘Unique Services Purchases’ procurement method. This method allows those with the designated authority to initiate procurement for services where a unique situation exists, one that makes the application for a competitive bidding process contrary to the public interest. Essentially, this procurement method allowed the City to minimize the impact of planned service losses, reuse existing facilities, and increase revenue generating potential, by permitting the Manager to negotiate with service providers in a quick and efficient manner. 


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